Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Japan s War Crimes During The World War II - 1166 Words

Introduction: Nowadays, Japanese animes are becoming increasingly famous, and America is not an exception for anime’s gigantic worldwide fandom. Animes, such as One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, and Attack on Titan, are the main leaders of the anime wave sweeping all over the world. Nevertheless, many Japanese animes are often criticized at the same time for employing the idea of neo-nationalism or indirectly mentioning justifications for Japan’s war crimes during the World War II. Although they are not really noticeable to most of the audience, the author of a famous anime, Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama demonstrated that such neo-nationalist factors actually exist in animes when he showed a strong support towards Japan’s past aggressive wars and colonialism in his SNS. However, not all animes are showing support towards neo-nationalism in Japan. An anime, Terror in Resonance, directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, not only criticizes Japan’s war crimes during the World War II, but also condemns current Japanese government’s policies encouraging neo-nationalism. The anime well demonstrates that the neo-nationalist movement in Japan is not Japan’s own problem, but it is rather a serious international problem that will affect Japan’s relationship with other countries. Furthermore, the anime focuses on increasing people’s awareness on unjustifiable neo-nationalist movement of Japanese government. Although many right winged Japanese people victimize post-World War II Japan to regain formerShow MoreRelatedDid The United State Commit War Crimes Against Japan During WW II?865 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica commit war crimes against Japanese civilians and POWs during their Pacific campaign in World War II? 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