Thursday, September 3, 2020

Michael John LaChiusa looking for love Essay Example For Students

Michael John LaChiusa: searching for adoration Essay Tune in to the music, music doesnt lie, a moderately aged, wedded man tells the youngster he is enticing in a stateroom on board the Titanic in Michael John LaChiusas new melodic, Hello Again. Some notable individuals in melodic venue the thoughtful who make and shape professions have been tuning in to LaChiusas music and verses for about 10 years Off Broadway, persuaded that his work, both comic and appalling and horribly skeptical would have its day. In reality, LaChiusas time appears to have shown up. First Lady Suite, his melodic vignettes of Jackie Kennedy, Mamie Eisenhover and Eleanor Roosevelt (with Amelia Earhart, Marian Anderson, Lorena Hickock, Margaret and Bess Truman, and others showing up) was created in December at the new York Shakespeare Festival. Hi Again, LaChiusas first full-length melodic, in light of Arthur Schnitzlers La Ronde and coordinated by Graciela Daniele, opened the next month as a component of Lincoln Center Theaters Festival of New American Plays. Presently LaChiusa is working together with executive Harold Prince on The Petrifield Prince, in view of an unproduced Ingmar Bergman screenplay. The truth will surface eventually, yet unmistakably a strange new ability is being uncovered, note by note, similar to a melodic piece. Ira Weitzman, chief of melodic venue at Lincoln Center, says LaChiusa has an unfathomable normal blessing, and that he is a characteristic theater author with colossal, eccentric bits of knowledge into human feelings and connections. Achievement is so new to LaChiusa that, in a meeting, he has no simple answers, the thoughtful that originate from having clarified his work frequently. Nor is he proficient at articulating his imaginative plan or his working procedure. He is better at essentially putting his words to music. In any case, LaChiusa knows that he is at a defining moment. There is no turning around now, he says more than once. The best experience is one you havent taken at this point, he includes, reverberating the eager characters in Hello Again. On the off chance that musi doesnt lie, at that point what realities can be found in the 31-year-old LaChiusas music and verses? That affection is slippery, and that people are bound as they continued looking for it. That the inquiry isn't about sex in spite of the fact that that is the essential structure it takes in Hello Again however about joy. Bliss is only a wordâ His musicals are tied in with yearning. I cannot recollect my spouses name/I cannot recall my darlings name/But I recall what might have been/It has a name, a miserable wife sings of her yearning for joy. Satisfaction doesnt exist, its a word, a U.S. representative informs an on-screen character he is regarding to take part in an extramarital entanglements with. Bliss, it is expected, is equal with affection, and will come in the pretense of someone else. Ive been searching for somebody, the man on the Titanic says to his supper date. Aint we as a whole? the more youthful man answers. Endeavors at permanency end severely. LaChiusas characters (like those of Stephen Sondheim, to whom he has been looked at) may couple quickly after a disturbed romance. Sondheims in any event enjory some fleeting joy during their interests (think about A Little Night Music or Company); LaChiusas just engage in sexual relations, at that point proceed with lives of desolate despondency. Hi Again may fill in as an inadvertent advanced promotion for antiquated masterminded relationships. LaChiusa has been referenced as a main individual from a post-Sondheim age of writers and lyricists who, as David Richards wrote in his audit of First Lady Suite in the New York Times, are as glad to investigate the elements of a relationship or the substance of a characters mind as their antecedents were to narrative a clambake or a shindig. .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab , .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .postImageUrl , .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab , .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:hover , .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:visited , .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:active { border:0!important; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:active , .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:hover { murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907 e4dab .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1b2e9c3bd8bee2c79b791489907e4dab:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: How does Shakespeare investigate the subjects of detest and love through the expressions of his characters in Romeo and Juliet? EssayI dont become tied up with that myself, reacts Weitzman. I surmise in the event that anybody ever hears an offensive harmony or a dim idea, we think Sondheim. Basically all scholars working today are affected by Sondheim. I think what Michael John owes to Sondheim is a sure focusing on the art. LaChiusa experienced childhood in Chautauqua, N.Y., the child of a football trainer and a housewife. He moved to New York in 1980 at age 18 with fantasies about composing musicals and only three years of piano exercises as a youngster (with a visually impaired piano educator I cherished her truly, he reviews) added to his repertoire. Working at Tower Records, he could go through the day tuning in to accounts of show and old style music. Show, he delights, is a definitive performance of theater, with move, music, each component as far as possible. Bernstein, Copland, Glass, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Tom Waits and Sting all get referenced as impacts before Sondheim or Webber come up. LaChiusa composed four short musicals for the New Theater Wing, a works-in-progress program at Playwrights Horizons, and music for three shows for the comic entertainer Jeffrey Essman. He has likewise composed lyrics for three dramas, including Anthony Daviss Tanya, in light of the Patti Hearst undertaking. His lyrics are sung through. There is minimal spoken discourse, verses are seldom rehashed, and there is never a hold back. His are not melodies that can be murmured leaving the theater, aside from possibly by the individuals who can maintain a post-moderate melody. I do think they have a tune, LaChiusa says, clarifying his music. I think our ears are somewhat more grown at this point. More peculiar things are occurring in music. It doesnt must be AABA any longer, in spite of the fact that theater people like AABA. Theres a period and a spot for a 16-bar hold back, however some of the time no purpose behind it. It was Graciela Danieles thought to make a melodic of La Ronde, yet it appeared to be an ideal fit for LaChiusa, as well. Weitzman, who had been searching for a full-length venture for the author, totally coolly inquired as to whether he had ever perused Schnitzlers turn-of-the-century account of sexual tactlessness. What occurred next is Weitzmans most loved anecdote about LaChiusa. Hes played each of the 10 scenesâ In a day, he called and stated, Well, Ive composed the principal scene,' recalls Weitzman. He came in and played it, and it was actually as it is presently. On the subsequent day, he stated, |Well, Ive composed the subsequent scene. He played it for Graciela, and she said yes. That is a lot of how he is; if hes into something, hes exceptionally quick. He clearly had an instinctive thought of how to compose it. It may be on the grounds that LaChiusa says he can relate to the plays 10 couples. Ive experienced every one of the 10 scenes. I was extremely keen on their quest for the perfect sweetheart, in the possibility that |the best experience is one you havent taken at this point. I am biting the dust to have a family-, now is actually the time. Hi Again tracks my longing to discover it. I dont like resting alone; I dont like dreaming alone. LaChiusa refreshed Schnitzler with the goal that Hello Again avoids through time which likewise offers LaChiusa the chance to compose music that mirrors the times of the century, from operetta, to film musicals, to |50s awesome. Ladies don't passage well in LaChiusas musicals, however neither do men. In First Lady Suite (which became out of his side interest of gathering First Lad legend) ladies are relinquished inwardly. Mamie realizes she has lost Ike not to the war where he was made general, yet to his pretty escort; Jackie is streaming her approach to Dallas and widowhood; and Lorena Hickock takes herself and her disaster out to the wing of a plane being guided by Amelia Earhart and Hickocks sweetheart, Eleanor Roosevelt. .ue1b59ac5b3d5c8bd14ea0d7103ce00f6 , .ue1b59ac5b3d5c8bd14ea0d7103ce00f6 .postImageUrl , .ue1b59ac5b3d5c8bd14ea0d7103ce00f6 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ue1b59ac5b3d5c8bd14ea0d7103ce00f6 , .ue1b59ac5b3d5c8bd14ea0d7103ce00f6:hover , .ue1b59ac5b3d5c8b

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Challenges Faced by the Radiation

Question: Examine about theChallenges Faced by the Radiation Therapist. Answer: Presentation: Probably the best transformation to the medicinal services industry had been presentation of the radiation treatment into the treatment techniques. In straightforward terms, the clinical radiation can be characterized as the utilization of the radiation innovation to perform convoluted computerized imaging on the patients to acquire better comprehension of the anomalies that the patients are confronting. This specific treatment advancement utilizes radiations like x beams, g beams, and a lot more for the computerized imaging of the patient body. Other than that this innovation is likewise utilized to give radiation treatment to the patients that are experiencing malignant growth (Sim Radloff, 2009). Thus, the significance of radiation in the clinical sciences and the clinical practice settings are different, subsequently the calling of radiation advisor is likewise very mainstream, and that is the motivation behind why an ever increasing number of understudies select a vocation in the radiation treatment. Anyway there are various difficulties that are a piece of a vocation as radiation advisors which keeps on impacting the expert turn of events and experience of the radiation specialist (Solberg et al., 2012). This area of the task will investigate the difficulties that the radiation advisors face in their expert practice and give a lot of suggestions to beat these difficulties. Difficulties looked by the radiation specialists: Perhaps the best test that the radiation advisors experience in their expert vocation is simply the low regard they partner with their calling. The contributing variable behind this test in the calling of radiation science is because of the way that the idea of clinical radiation science is still novel to the world, and not very many have the comprehension to perceive the significance of clinical radiation experts. As indicated by the Sim Radloff, 2009, the developing gathering of hopeful clinical radiation experts keep on battling to discover their specialty with a perceived and acknowledged calling, in contrast with a vocation in standard clinical science or physiotherapy. It must be comprehended that this expert space has still not been found in a way that will encourage radiation treatment as a good and appropriate calling (Sim Radloff, 2009). Alongside that, the social viewpoint of the extremely subject confers a huge impact on the gathering of this occupation as a lifelong deci sion. As indicated by the SC, 2012, an extremely huge piece of the general public overestimate the risks related with radiation treatment and a larger part of the general public need satisfactory information on radiation treatment and how it is regulated. It contributes to a great extent to the absence of acknowledgment and thankfulness that the clinical radiation advisors are exposed to. Accordingly, the radiation advisors face outrageous absence of energy and association with their calling and don't display want to improve their expert abilities (SC, 2012). A large number of the exploration researchers have remembered one of the significant purposes for the absence of ideal expert methodology in any occupation because of the expert lack of care that they endure with. As indicated by writers, the low open profile of the specific calling contributes to a great extent to the across the board aloofness in clinical radiation sciences as a calling that thus adds to disturb the low confidence of radiation advisors. Therefore the radiation advisors once in a while need to move out of their usual range of familiarity while in clinical practice and it in turns constrains their extent of expert turn of events and disturbs the ideal consideration gave to the patients (Marks et al., 2013). As per the investigation of Washington Leaver, (2015) the radiation advisor needs to concentrate on the psychosocial needs of the patients managing the interminable disease. In this perspective may experts have been found to flop in conveying the psychosocial care. There is a more noteworthy spotlight laid on the specialized piece of the activity. There is poor evaluation or observing of the patients mental needs or arrangement of the help to the patients and their families particularly those with low wellbeing education (Smith et al., 2013). Now and again its prompts disappointment in building up helpful associations with the patients. The factor that causes this test is the absence of preparing and advancement offices for the radiotherapy experts. A few medical clinics and facilities in the remote or provincial zones don't give the experts the open door for change into organization, training and industry. Chite et al. (2015), contended that radiation advisor might be warm and merci ful however tending to the patients inquiries and reacting to the abnormal responses of the patients during treatment is the aptitude. This requires the advisor to look for preparing and training projects to address the mental needs of patients. Employment burnout is the other significant test looked by the radiotherapist while giving the social insurance to the malignant growth patients. This calling requires matching of advisors in the treatment room. It might prompt pressure and disarray, when the two advisors are not in same page with respect to utilization of explicit treatment strategies. Absence of compelling correspondence among the colleagues further hampers care process (Diggens Chesson, 2014). The treatment much of the time is affected when the radiation shaft isn't precisely focusedon the particular piece of the patients body. A few sorts of medicines are in fact a test, as they require endless practice. This prompts work burnout among the radiation specialists and forestalls proficient development (Paulson et al., 2015). In comparative paper by Zietman (2014) it was featured that worry among the radiation treatment experts rely upon the patient burden, work place and the administration. How well the division fill in as a group decides the consideration conveyed by the expert. This adversely influences the experts and the training. There is additionally absence of culture of wellbeing in numerous wellbeing associations. Medicinal services arrangement in a work environment condition that needs trust among the division individuals, absence of survey or following of the occasion and absence of standard working methodology are different components that adversely impacts the calling. Then again, appropriate meaning of the jobs and obligations prompts viable consideration and it decidedly influences the calling. Capacity to set up the patient focused consideration assists with building the restorative relationship with the customers. It emphatically impacts the calling as it builds the confidence and spirit of the experts. Great quality control reviews and guidelines lead to positive clinical wellbeing results. The examination by Marshall et al. (2017) referenced that physical and passionate wear looked by the advisors brings on additional difficulties. For instance, situating of the types of gear and lifting of the patients during the consideration arrangement causes leg or back wounds. The piece of the calling incorporates presentation to the radiation motivate of the security measures. This may fundamentally hurt the experts wellbeing. Any mischief caused to persistent prompts claims and negative repercussions on the vocation of the experts Suggestions: It must be comprehended, that radiation sciences have become a necessary piece of the clinical practice, and without the help of the radiation innovation, the progressive advancements in the social insurance industry will stay inadequate. The patients will quit acquiring the advantages of the radiation treatment incorporated into the treatment techniques. Be that as it may, the difficulties pervasive in the radiation treatment as a calling, keeps on obstructing the advancement of this division inside the clinical sciences. Anyway a course of vital advances taken to improve the circumstance of radiation science in the human services industry can defeat the difficulties that entangle the profession way for a radiation specialist (Liauw, Connell Weichselbaum, 2013). Above all else, there is a flat out requirement for acknowledgment in the human services industry and for the radiation treatment as a calling. In contrast to the specialists and attendants, the profession profile for the radiation advisors are not as perceived, and the absolute first vital proposal ought to be focused on improving the vocation profile of the clinical radiation specialists (Marks et al., 2011). The subsequent methodology should concentrate on extension of the activity job that clinical radiation specialists are allocated. It must be comprehended that a fundamental component of expert development in any occupation is related with scope for the activity jobs to be expanded. Thus, numerous creators propose CPD support and employment job development can end up being excellent key activity to improve the expert faithful and prosperity of the radiation advisors (Zaidi El Naqa, 2010). Another significant methodology that the current situation viable can utilize is expertise improvement and expert information extension. A most significant part of constant vocation development is the predictable ability and information advancement which will permit the radiation advisors to comprehend their activity jobs better and associate with the patients better. A significant angle in any calling is the capacity to meet the activity prerequisites, and with persistent expertise advancement the radiation advisors will have the option to perform better mental appraisal of the patients and improve proficient capability also (Payne et al., 2013). So as to diminish the burnout experienced by the radiation specialists, the most conceivable methodology is increment the staffing proportion, as unnecessary remaining burden regularly brings about diminished demonstrable skill and abilities. Alongside that a strong and humane working environment culture can likewise help in limiting the effect of e

Friday, August 21, 2020

5 Cases of Extraneous Hyphenation

5 Cases of Extraneous Hyphenation 5 Cases of Extraneous Hyphenation 5 Cases of Extraneous Hyphenation By Mark Nichol Hyphens are utilized basically to sort out at least two words into expressions to help in understanding appreciation. In spite of the fact that blunders in the utilization of hyphens are normally mistakes of exclusion, incorrect abuse is likewise normal. Be careful with pointless utilization of hyphens in sentences, for example, the ones demonstrated as follows. 1. The appropriate response is to locate a silver-shot that will wean us from petroleum derivatives. Hyphenated compound things used to be normal, yet most have become shut mixes. A few special cases continue or have been instituted generally as of late (dry-cleaning, determined worker, light-year, prosperity), however â€Å"silver bullet,† meaning â€Å"a basic answer for a convoluted problem,† isn't one of them: â€Å"The answer is to locate a silver slug that will wean us from fossil fuels.† 2. She got herself routinely everything except disregarding such remarks. Here, all and yet alter the action word overlooking, and the expression needs no hyphenation: â€Å"She got herself routinely everything except disregarding such comments.† 3. The organization revealed a $10-million shortfall. Hyphens are redundant in a phrasal modifier comprising of a numeral and a term for a request for extent, for example, million: â€Å"The organization announced a $10 million deficit.† (However, when a number is explained and joined with million or a comparable term, do hyphenate the phrasal descriptor: â€Å"The organization detailed a ten-million-dollar deficit.†) 4. Difficult work must be offset with a sentiment of fun, cooperation, and esprit-de-corps. Local and embraced thing phrases (with uncommon exemptions, for example, jolt of energy and tã ªtetã ªte) don't require hyphens: â€Å"Hard work must be offset with a sentiment of fun, association, and esprit de corps.† 5. About two-dozen understudies stood up at the gathering of the educational committee to fight the choice. Try not to connect an explained number with dozen to portray a numerous of twelve: â€Å"Roughly two dozen understudies stood up at the gathering of the educational committee to dissent the decision.† (However, when utilizing an illuminated number with score to mean â€Å"a different of twenty,† treat the term as a shut compound, likewise with fourscore.) Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Punctuation classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Dialogue Dos and Don'tsThe Possessive ApostropheUses of the Past Participle

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Statement of Goals Essay - 550 Words

Statement of Goals (Admission Essay Sample) Content: Statement of GoalsAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameUniversity AffiliationStatement of GoalsDespite the many years spent in the Navy, I lack some essential management concepts and skills in business. A deep understanding of these concepts will add to the success of owning and managing a childcare facility, which will be in operation for 24/7 per week. As such, it is clear that, leadership and management skills will guarantee my business-ownership goal. I am not seeking an MBA to pursue employment, rather, am pursuing this degree to become a successful business owner. Besides the various courses, which an MBA will expose me to, I will receive specialty training in business ownership, entrepreneurship among many others, which will help me realize my long-term objective of owning and managing a child care facility.Just like other lines of businesses, owning and managing a child care facility requires a broad understanding of the activities, business operations and administration. A n MBA will help me gain this understanding. In the same context, the MBA will teach me about accounting, risk assessments, finance, economics, leadership and customer service. Not only will the MBA provide an overview of the business operations and administration, it will also help me access valuable information, mainly from other contexts, and people who have pursued the same line of business. Compared to an undergraduate business program, an MBA will expose me to a variety of skills, training and development.In fact, an MBA encompasses a broad spectrum of courses, which I perceive as appropriate in respect to my business objective. As stated, I will have a deep understanding on financial issues; hence, I will make proper and strategic financial decisions prior and after starting my business. Therefore, expansion of my business knowledge and skills in the aforementioned areas will help me achieve success in starting the business. As mentioned earlier, I was working in the Navy, but now, I am free to pursue my MBA without any distractions. Unlike other people who may prefer relaxing after retirement, I feel I have an obligation to the society.In addition, to the knowledge, I gained working in the navy; an MBA will increase my human resource knowledge, which I will need be...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

DeviantART The Impact on the Art World Essays - 1226 Words

DeviantART (also known as dA) is a website widely known as an online art market to artists today as a place to showcase or sell their artworks. The site made it possible for artists to upload their original artworks for the public to see and perhaps for other to purchase. The deviantART community has dramatically influenced many contemporary artists to now rely on the use of an online gallery to both display and sell their works as opposed to depending of a gallery in the offline world. deviantART has caused a shift in the way the economy revolves around the art market and art world. This is by its adoption into the art world, its uses and its effects on the art market. A major source that will be majority referenced on will be a interview†¦show more content†¦This could not be done in the offline world or in the past since the artwork would not have been very flexible. DeviantART and Career Users may had adopted deviantART due to its massive selection of art or perhaps it was because it could be a replacement for an art marketplace. Usually, when artists wants to showcase their artworks, they would have to be a fee that must be paid by both the artist and the attendee in order for the work to be shown. In contrast, dA has provided an online space that artist do not have to pay commissions for to display their works (Zontea, 2010, p. 129), and anyone is able to view their works for free. In Salah et als article (2012) DeviantART in Spolight: A Network of Artists, which was a section about deviantART, they estimated that in the year 2010, about 13 million members, some of the members are passive users (Salah et al, 2012, p. 486) were online. Another benefit of using dA is that it can lead the artists to new heights. In the article, DeviantArt gives artist online path to stardom, written by Graham Jefferson (2011) it describes how an artist was able to jump from being a random user posing his artwork on dA to publishing a book on his work and finally to having his book turn into the movie, Last Man Standing (Jefferson, 2011, p. 4). This example has shown the public that dA can act as a starting ground for artists to start their career path and with theShow MoreRelatedThe Censorship Of Internet Censorship3057 Words   |  13 Pagesgovernment. It can be a government’s initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self-censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal norms, out of fear of consequences such as legal impact, or owing to intimidation. The degree of cyberspace censorship differs on a nation-to-nations basis. Most democratic nations have moderate cyberspace censorship. Other nations go as far as to restrict the information accessibility; they suppress discussion

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Japan s War Crimes During The World War II - 1166 Words

Introduction: Nowadays, Japanese animes are becoming increasingly famous, and America is not an exception for anime’s gigantic worldwide fandom. Animes, such as One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, and Attack on Titan, are the main leaders of the anime wave sweeping all over the world. Nevertheless, many Japanese animes are often criticized at the same time for employing the idea of neo-nationalism or indirectly mentioning justifications for Japan’s war crimes during the World War II. Although they are not really noticeable to most of the audience, the author of a famous anime, Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama demonstrated that such neo-nationalist factors actually exist in animes when he showed a strong support towards Japan’s past aggressive wars and colonialism in his SNS. However, not all animes are showing support towards neo-nationalism in Japan. An anime, Terror in Resonance, directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, not only criticizes Japan’s war crimes during the World War II, but also condemns current Japanese government’s policies encouraging neo-nationalism. The anime well demonstrates that the neo-nationalist movement in Japan is not Japan’s own problem, but it is rather a serious international problem that will affect Japan’s relationship with other countries. Furthermore, the anime focuses on increasing people’s awareness on unjustifiable neo-nationalist movement of Japanese government. Although many right winged Japanese people victimize post-World War II Japan to regain formerShow MoreRelatedDid The United State Commit War Crimes Against Japan During WW II?865 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica commit war crimes against Japanese civilians and POWs during their Pacific campaign in World War II? 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With the rise and domination of fascism in Germany and Italy, the goal was to maintain peace, established by the Treaty of Versailles ended up in major disaster. World War I I began with the poor economic conditions in Europe after World War IRead MoreCauses And Effects Of World War II1370 Words   |  6 PagesCauses and Effects of World War II World War II has been considered one of the worst things to ever occur in history. Violence, death and aggression took place in the 1930s and 1940s in certain European nations. German leader, Hitler played an important, yet a very big role during this time. With the rise and domination of fascism in Germany and Italy, the goal was to maintain peace, established by the Treaty of Versailles ended up in major disaster. World War II began with the poor economic conditions

Effects of Strategic Management Digital Strategy

Question: Describe about the Effects of Strategic Management for Digital Strategy. Answer: Introduction The owners of an organization need to follow specific guidelines in order to initiate their business. This is one of the most critical part as if the start takes place in a wrong note then the losses can be high. The owners need to have a good knowledge about how to plan the moves so that the business works properly and strategically. This is where strategic management steps in. strategies help the organization to put in minimum resources and have a maximum profit without harming the subjects of the company(Hill, Jones, Schilling, 2014). Management helps to effectively manage the company on a daily basis for its success. In a word, strategic management helps an organization to grow by achieving definite goals that are set in the organization. The process of strategic management is mainly to set goal, both long-term and short-term, analyzing the needs as what needs to be done first to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the company. The next step involves the forming of the strategy which is based on the complete analysis as to what resources will be needed to set up the strategy, then the strategy needs to be implemented in the organization and should proceed step by step so that there is no over-lapping which may involve financial loss(Morden, 2016). Finally, a control board needs to be set up so that the strategies can be regulated and monitored so that new plans can be devised again for the smooth functioning of the organization. Strategic Management Plan of Commonwealth Bank The help that strategic management provides to an organization can be understood with an example of one of the best financial companies of Australia. Commonwealth Bank is one of Australias top companies competing against National Australia Bank, ANZ and Westpac. The vision of the bank is to excel in customer service by providing the best financial services. It attracts customers because of sanctioning of personal loans in that particular day when the customer approaches them. The services provided by them is also vast including insurance services, Global wealth services and mortgage and credit card services to be precise(Commonwealth Bank Overview, 2016). The factors that led to the success of the bank is the technology that is constantly changing as per the needs of the customers. To have some actual time benefits the organization keeps on developing new things so that the interaction with the customers can be made comfortable and to increase the productivity level of the company. T he strength of the group due to which customers keep so much trust and faith is due to the opportunities that they get and capitalize on them instantly. Maintaining a flexible balance sheet, which helps the customers to relax also, adds as a plus point for the banks result. The customers trust that the bank can look after their money and give good beneficial returns on their money gives a boost in the strength of the bank. In terms of productivity, the bank constantly strives in simplifying their work output so that the concept of hassle free deals can be done with their clients to have a better outcome and it is critically important to maintain their long-term rapport with their clients. The clients also add a feather in the cap of the bank, as they are the reason for the success of the bank(Commonwealth Bank Overview, 2016). The bank in turn also repays them with an aim to hunt down talents and making the environment a good one to work in. The success of the bank has led it to be spearing ahead from its competitors because of the relationship that it maintains with their clients. Some of their strategic priorities are to increase their branch network and their hours of duty across sixty five of their branches that are always very busy, to arrange their structures and to develop their organizational structure so as to divide their banking and commercial clients(Commonwealth Bank Overview, 2016). The core competency consists of three factors, which are that it is not easy to copy the strategic plan by their competitors, the business product can be used innumerable number of times and the services that are being provided should satisfy the customers. The bank has ticked in all check boxes that are required in core competency. The products and the services provided by the bank is well accepted by the customers because it proves out to be beneficial for them in the long run. Some products are bought by the customers due to the immense brand value that the bank has and they simply know that the trust that they are putting in that company will never be broken by the bank. This has given the bank an upper hand than all its rivals in Australia. The core competency is very less so the company focuses to hold on to these so that they can have more clients under them. Conclusion Strategic management helps in creating an organized and structural program in an organization, which is very necessary for the proper functioning. It combines the resources that are being used in the organization and the careful execution of it. The success rate of the strategic planning depends on time. The effect cannot take place immediately (Morden, 2016). To implement a plan, the necessary changes that are done cannot take effect place overnight, thus the process is slow. To plan out the strategic projects in a better way a thorough search is required about what needs to be changed and how the new plan can bring about changes in the environment and the work culture without compromising on the profit maximization power of the company(Ward Peppard, 2016). In case of bank, it is all about gaining the customers trust, without that a bank cannot survive however good and cheap the policies or the products may be. The employees have to be ever ready with the strategic plans and needs to be proactive to not let go off the client, as it would hamper the brand image of the company. To have success, leadership plays an important part because in a banking sector if the company does not have a good leader then the company is doomed to fail. Bibliography Commonwealth Bank Overview. (2016, 12 21). Retrieved from Hill, C., Jones, G., Schilling, M. (2014). Strategic Management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Morden, T. (2016). Principles of Strategic Management. Routledge. Ward, J., Peppard, J. (2016). The Strategic Management of Information System: Building a Digital Strategy. John Wiley Sons.